Nursing: A Painful Process

I choked in a breath of air as I pushed open the door to the smoke room. In the far corner of the room I could barely make out my coworker. I moved across the room and sat in the cold chair next to her. A cigarette occupied the space between her full lips. She … Continue reading Nursing: A Painful Process

A Promised Dance

He sat next to his buddy who was listening to the radio in the lunch room. His eyes followed me while I walked back and forth to each different hall. I had a laundry basket balanced on one hip, a stethoscope around my neck, and a medicine book in my free hand. A blood pressure … Continue reading A Promised Dance

A Letter To My Aging Friends: God’s Not Done With You Yet.

I hope you realize something. I hope you realize that I see you. I hear you. I know. I see you when you are frustrated because your hands don’t work the same way they used to. You can’t open jars anymore. You can’t play the piano like you used to. You can’t knit anymore. You … Continue reading A Letter To My Aging Friends: God’s Not Done With You Yet.